So what is the big shift in car habits all about ?.
There is a fairly major shift going on throughout Europe right now, as more and more people begin to grasp the fact that it may be preferable to drive a car that appreciates every day that it is driven, rather than depreciating every single day of ownership.
It would appear from some recent statistics that more drivers are weighing up their options when buying new cars, which drop in value the moment that they leave the showrrom.
It has long been a favoured option for those operating businesses to take out loans on all of the vehicles that they require to run their business, and use the depreciation of all of those vehicles as an offest against their yearly tax debt. Whilst we too have indulged in this concept in some fairly large ways in the past, we are now following the mantra that we have with property, which is to just simply own or control assets that appreciate in value and are ALWAYS cashflow positive. For many years, we too subscribed to the now redundant ides of " Negative Gearing" which is exactly what a new car or van is.
These days, we are finding that many, many people that we speak with have long since left Negative Gearing behind in both property and cars, and whom are now driving later Classic Cars from the 1980's and 1990's, all of which are both 100% reliable, very inexpensive to own and run, and all of which are appreciating in value. Welcome to Positive Cashflow cars, which are achieving Capital Gain at a much faster rate than property, and which are a great deal more fun !!.
Maybe this is why Jaguar have just re-tooled to build "New" Jaguar E-Types, why one can now buy new Jensen's again, and why Caterham and other manufacturers are offering their old models to the public once more. New, reliable, eyecatching, unique, fun, sensational and appreciating in value from the moment that they leave the factory, rather than losing value.